Cognitive Behavior Therapy, or CBT, is a form of psychological therapy that has not been around that long. Even so, since its induction in the 1980’s, it has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of a wide range of psychological disorders. Because CBT focuses on the underlying thought processes of an individual, and the faulty behaviors that result from these thought processes, CBT is particularly effective when it comes to the treatment of anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders themselves are the result of these fears and thought processes that affect an individual’s behavior, so using CBT on someone suffering from anxiety issues is a very successful treatment option.
There is a wide body of research over the past ten years that highlights the significance that CBT has on anxiety disorders. In fact, many researchers have indicated that CBT is the most trusted therapy for the successful treatment of anxiety.
The primary focus of any treatment plan that includes CBT begins with the identification of irrational thoughts that create the fears and anxieties in an individual suffering from anxiety disorders. CBT works to replace those irrational fears and to replace these fears with realistic thought patterns that provide an individual with healthy means of thinking.
When it comes to anxiety, thought processes that involve misperceptions of an individual’s own self-worth or abilities, or of any guilt or embarrassment they may have in social situations are among the first addressed. The therapist will work closely with the individual to provide a map of sorts, that outlines the unhealthy concepts, and leads the individual towards a healthy mapping of successful thought processes. Involved work on the part of the individual is the best predictor for success with CBT and anxiety related issues.
Because negative thought processes are the cornerstone of anxiety problems, CBT works to overcome these distortions of cognition and replace them with healthier and more successful thoughts. CBT on anxiety disorders will be most successful when the participant illustrates an inherent willingness to change. If an individual is capable fo addressing uncomfortable thought processes, and willing to do the assignments necessary to overcome them, there is every reason to believe that this individual will experience relief from their anxiety dysfunctions, and lead healthy, quality lives. Research shows that the effects of CBT on anxiety sufferers are long lasting, and well worth the active participation.
Cognitive Therapy Techniques
Although future research will be focusing on the identification of further methods to enhance any effects of cognitive therapy, we already know that cognitive therapy techniques show good signs of dealing with the internalizing and externalizing of disorders, alike. Simple in theory and easy to implement, they do require ongoing commitment and application in order to be completely effective. It is always a difficult process when attempting to change negative thoughts and beliefs, because usually these symptoms have been manifesting themselves in our minds for a very long time.
Cognitive therapy techniques are a treatment of thoughts and processes. That supports the idea that thoughts, attitudes and beliefs influence the intensity and range of our emotions. Each of us in our lifetime establishes a basic understanding of ourselves and what it is we see and sense around us. This is usually termed as perception, and it has a great deal to do with the way we feel and react.
Cognitive therapy techniques help people to remove self-defeating thoughts, and allow each of us to solve any problems we may have. In order to do this, the therapy helps us to analyze and change our thinking patterns from negative and unfounded to positive and worthwhile. Negative thoughts and perceptions often lead to more serious illness like depression and other depressive conditions, phobias, and obsessions.
Quite often cognitive therapy techniques will be combined with behavior therapy which can help us to gain a better understanding of the relationship between our thoughts, feelings and subsequent actions. When we deal with cognitive therapy we are going to learn how to best pay attention to habitual thoughts and understand those which could be considered distorted. This allows us to introduce thoughts that are more balanced, whereby allowing much more realistic interpretations to be discovered.
By paying attention to our thoughts, and learning how to change those that are destructive, we are inevitably facing off a very strong force in our minds. Years and sometimes decades of beliefs, habits and subconscious negativity can not be erased or changed overnight, but with constant application of cognitive therapy techniques, change can be obvious within a few short months.
As you know, we are always thinking, and most of the time, there is no effort at all to determine the logic of our thoughts. But in order for these techniques to work effectively, they need to be practiced everyday. The more they are practiced, the quicker they can become automatic processes of the brain, which in themselves will not need any encouragement from you to occur. Of course we all differ, that is what makes us unique, and the world a wonderful place, and this also means that the way we think is potentially different from everyone around us.
Some people are known to make extremely dismal and hopeless interpretations of almost everything. Consequently these people tend to be more prone to depressive tendencies and low mood much more often than other people. Some people don’t see dismal interpretations, but irritable ones, and this can lead to a build up and expression of unnecessary anger and frustration. Still other people seem to be able to assess most situations in such a manner that very rarely sees them experience these extremes, and just seem to be generally balanced most of the time.